all postcodes in CH5 / DEESIDE

find any address or company within the CH5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH5 2AA 27 2 53.202294 -3.016304
CH5 2AB 22 0 53.202457 -3.018164
CH5 2AD 31 0 53.201488 -3.018006
CH5 2AE 43 0 53.200915 -3.017738
CH5 2AF 10 0 53.196026 -3.021799
CH5 2AG 21 0 53.202065 -3.016718
CH5 2AH 36 3 53.195426 -3.021275
CH5 2AJ 49 0 53.198146 -3.018585
CH5 2AL 4 0 53.197373 -3.003748
CH5 2AN 29 0 53.197478 -3.018106
CH5 2AP 38 0 53.198091 -3.016863
CH5 2AQ 4 1 53.200095 -3.028138
CH5 2AR 27 0 53.194699 -3.022441
CH5 2AS 8 0 53.196685 -3.020437
CH5 2AT 46 0 53.196417 -3.019129
CH5 2AU 18 0 53.195677 -3.020548
CH5 2AW 30 0 53.197942 -3.016351
CH5 2AX 12 0 53.195324 -3.019806
CH5 2AY 2 0 53.195527 -3.023149
CH5 2AZ 11 1 53.195818 -3.024024